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Overcoming Obstacles - LCA's ILEARN Scores are a Testament to Incredible Teachers


Few things cause us to reflect on our lives, our jobs, our performance, our values, and our priorities like testing. Over the last year we have all been tested and stretched. The pressures created or magnified by COVID were unprecedented in the educational setting. During such pressure, as a school, it’s difficult to gauge how you’re doing—how well, despite a pandemic, you are teaching, developing, and growing your students. Via ILEARN testing, the state has provided schools with some of that data to reflect upon. ILEARN tests students in grades 3-8 in English/Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics, grades 4 and 6 in science, and grade 5 in social studies. After reviewing LCA’s ILEARN scores, we want to brag on our teachers and affirm our families for their decision in trusting our teachers by keeping their student at LCA for in-person instruction during a very difficult time.

A brief overview of the scores shows that LCA outperformed the average school corporation scores by 29% in ELA, 17% in mathematics, and 8% in science. Closer investigation reveals that LCA also outperformed the average state score at every grade level in ELA, mathematics, and science. LCA’s ELA scores outperformed state scores in nearly every grade, by at least 28%. In math, LCA exceeded state scores by an average of 18%

. Grade 7 was particularly strong in ELA, outperforming state scores by 38%. Fifth grade also performed especially well in math, scoring 32% higher than the state average. These scores are a testament to LCA’s wonderful teachers and the amazing job they did over the past year. They turned the darkness of COVID stress into bright, shiny gold. They met the COVID challenge with the goal of building resiliency and achieving academic growth and they did it—bravo LCA teachers, BRAVO!!



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